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Why Barack Obama Had My Vote...Again

Updated on June 2, 2013

President Barack Obama

Even though the Orlando Sentinel backed Mitt Romney in the 2012 Presidential Race, they did publish this amazing photo of the winner!
Even though the Orlando Sentinel backed Mitt Romney in the 2012 Presidential Race, they did publish this amazing photo of the winner! | Source

Barack Obama


I'm in for 2012

I have no regrets at all about casting my vote for Obama in 2008 and I intend to vote for him again in 2012. I'm not a political junkie. I'm certainly not an idiot or an Obamanite who drank the kool-aid. I'm a mother and grandmother, I want a president who respects women and doesn't consider them a list to be kept in binders. I am neither a Republican or a Democrat. I am an independent voter. I vote for the person, not the party. I think political parties should NOT exist.

I believe that Obama has the capability to make this country better if given the chance and support. I'm not going to defend what he's done or hasn't done. I feel what I feel and that's that. I consider our political parties a bit of a joke. Granted, at least ours is more sane than other countries. They just tend to lack maturity and are greedy.

The first time I listened to Obama conduct an interview I was impressed with his persona. He was a senator in Chicago. Silently I thought that it would be nice if ran for president. A few months later he made his announcement. I was thrilled and no longer silent.

I didn't think he would make it through the primaries but he did. I was flabbergasted. I have a tendency to cheer for the underdog. I also admired McCain until he brought out his "big guns" and announced that Sarah Palin was his running mate. Done deal. I knew then and there that Obama would become our POTUS in 2008. I was 44 years old and voted for the first time in my life and was proud of my choice.

Barack Obama & Joe Biden for 2012


Obama Mama enjoying her Kool-Aid.


President Obama 2008

When he won it was a surreal moment not only for myself, but for millions of Americans. I often imagine what could have been and that frightens me. There's a tiny chance it could still happen but impossible, I hope.

Some Obama supporters have now turned their backs on our President. He's human, he's not a superhero. He's trying, even though the constant bashing would say otherwise. I think with a bit more support from fellow Americans we would all benefit. This article isn't about me trying to change your mind or opinions. We are all capable of using our best judgement.

Politics and religion are two things I believe are personal and I don't normally voice my opinions on them. I am sharing this because I feel I need to. I'm just a bit fed up with the negativity. All the haters frustrate me. I truly believe that it doesn't matter who is POTUS, there will always be complainers. It's always been that way. It doesn't matter what this man does the negativity is aimed at him in full force. What about the positive things he has done, where is his atta boy every now and then? Seriously if you think about it who would even want that job. Not me!

I imagine other countries laughing at us. First we had Palin and then Trump...we could do so much better. Granted, they provide job security for nighttime comics but we need some serious competition from the GOP. Mitt Romney is not serious competition, in my opinion.

I guarantee there are going to be some people reading this and thinking that I'm brainwashed. I'm not. I am an analytical person who will peel the onion until there is nothing left. I believe that one has to earn trust and it doesn't come easy. I allow the benefit of the doubt. I believe that there is good in everyone, even if they don't realize it themselves.

I trust that the Obama's have a lot to offer this country. Michelle is a mother who wants the best for her children and in the meanwhile will look out for the youth of our nation.

In addition I'd like to thank President Barack Obama for the Home Modification Program. Even though we had to use this program for an unfortunate hardship we appreciate the reduction in our mortgage payment.

I'd also like to thank you for ObamaCare. Because of this program my family and a few friends have been able to get the health-care they need and needed in which they might never have been able to obtain.

These are just two of the reasons I'm thankful for the Obama Administration. I've been called an idiot and been told I've been brainwashed among other foul remarks, but just like the POTUS I take a licking and keep on ticking.

President Barack Obama 2012

Congratulations to President Barack Obama! What an electrifying election! November 6th 2012 was a nail biter for many. Millions of people were on the edge of their seats awaiting final results. The electoral votes were pouring in and adding up. At 11:18 p.m. CNN announced our next president. What a relief! What an honor! What a celebration!

Being a resident of Florida, our sore loser Governor Rick Scott still hasn't called the state for you, but we all know you won Florida! Way to go! Heck, even Big Bird is relieved that his job is secure. Women no longer need to be concerned about being placed in binders.

I often wonder if the election results would have been different. If the people who were rooting for Mitt Romney shared why they were supporting him instead of bashing you, could Mitt have possibly won? Probably not, but my belief is negativity gets a person no where.

President Barack Obama is for the people. I have spoken with people who earn more than $250,000 and they have no problem with paying a little bit more in taxes to help get this country back on track. I believe in them, I believe in you! Let's rock!

Disclaimer: This is my point of view. I have no intention of debating how I feel. I'm not judging anyone for their beliefs. We are all entitled to our opinions. Obama for 2012. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

President Obama: The First Family


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